Tag Archives: code

Open Sourced Dungeon Crawler

So I decided to open source my dungeon crawler game that I made a while ago. My original plan was to develop it further and make it into yet another Xbox indie game available for download.

However time was always a problem while I was at university so I never got around to completing it. I hopefully one day however will return to complete a similar like game but I wont be making it in C# or reusing any of that code. (Except maybe the level generator, that was pretty incredible if do say so myself).

Feel free to use any of the code or any of the art.


The main components of the game which you will want to look at are.

  • The Level generator ( All levels are created through clever procedural techniques)
  • The particle effect system.
  • The character sprite animation system. ( All characters are created from individual parts. So you can cut off legs, arms,etc)

If you have any questions about the source code feel free to email me. Be warned though it is a bit messy.

Also I plan to open source a lot more of these small projects that I have worked on, in the hopes that it is useful to someone else.


Disparity Maps

For one of my university modules I was required to create Disparity Maps from stereo image pairs. I quite enjoyed doing this image processing as It was more enjoyable than the usual tasks I get given. I also got to use MatLab which I had never used before and actually quite enjoyed it, especially with all the quick features it includes.

Here is a few examples of what the project I was working on can do on a stereo image pair of the pentagon.


MatLab makes its fairly easy to plot 3D objects. Unfortunately however there is still some noise being picked up by the algorithm.

I will upload the code to GitHub at some point, It still requires a few tweaks however at the moment.

Social Miner

Last year I worked as part of team of three where we created an entry for the Yahoo Dundee Hack Day 2012. The entry that we created managed to obtain 1st place.

The web application we created can be used to view and find emerging viral content posted by people you follow on Twitter. We also created it as a platform that would provide a very simple and efficient way to access and navigate this content. This allows you to stay on the website without having to leave to view content. I had the web application hosted on this website for a few months now but it required/requires some changes but I have decided to make it public now as I think it is a very neat little application that others might like to use. You can find out more information about it at http://taylore.net/?page_id=450 .

 Access it here Social Miner



Over the past few years I have been using Git for source control on my projects both personal and for university. I really enjoy using it and find it makes it much easier to manage larger projects and I think it would be useful if others can benefit from the code I have written as well.

My account is https://github.com/Stewart-Taylor

I’m also now hosting my Laser System on it, as people request the code for it frequently (Also feel free to use it in your own project no need to ask for permission).

3D Sailing Ship

For one of my graphics assignments I had to use make use of shaders  So I looked up fragment and vertex shaders and managed to complete this scene in 5 days. A vertex shader is used to adjust the vertex heights for the ocean. A fragment shader was also used for the texturing, sparkle ad gradient effects and I made a simple overlay shader the attempts to make the scene look more vintage.


Procedurally Generated Volcanic Island

For my second graphics assignment I had to make use of procedural generation techniques to create a scene. I decided that it would base mine around a volcanic Island , complete with water simulation and a particle generator.

The generator I created can produced some quite nice scenes. It could probably be useful in creating a Caribbean type environment populated with islands.

The smoke particles that are generated also get effected by the environment wind and the height of that particle. This provides a nice scattering effect for the smoke as it rises.

Honours Project – Dynamic Path Planner

I have been recently working on my honours project for my final year of university. The project is about using dynamic path finding algorithms to help autonomous vehicles navigate unknown terrain. The project is mainly focusing on developing the best navigation systems for ground space vehicles such as autonomous rovers that would navigate asteroids or planets.

I have completed my initial prototype which uses generated elevation models. These elevation models are loaded from a modified “ppm” format which uses the red and green values to provide 24 bit two dimensional arrays.

A slope model is then calculated using the specified slope algorithm (Horn Slope, maximum, average). This slope model is the converted to a hazard model which can be used for the rovers navigation.

The path finding part of the prototype makes use of the A star search algorithm. The simulation uses the algorithm to find the safest route to its destination. This means it will find the route with the lowest incline.

 The next prototype I create will be to develop a simulation which will make use of the D star search algorithm. This new prototype will be used to show the comparison of A star and D star when it comes to navigating unknown terrain.