Monthly Archives: January 2013

Social Miner

Last year I worked as part of team of three where we created an entry for the Yahoo Dundee Hack Day 2012. The entry that we created managed to obtain 1st place.

The web application we created can be used to view and find emerging viral content posted by people you follow on Twitter. We also created it as a platform that would provide a very simple and efficient way to access and navigate this content. This allows you to stay on the website without having to leave to view content. I had the web application hosted on this website for a few months now but it required/requires some changes but I have decided to make it public now as I think it is a very neat little application that others might like to use. You can find out more information about it at .

 Access it here Social Miner



Over the past few years I have been using Git for source control on my projects both personal and for university. I really enjoy using it and find it makes it much easier to manage larger projects and I think it would be useful if others can benefit from the code I have written as well.

My account is

I’m also now hosting my Laser System on it, as people request the code for it frequently (Also feel free to use it in your own project no need to ask for permission).