Author Archives: Stewart

Work Started On New Game

I have started working on a new game recently although progress has been slow , due to me being very busy this year at university. I will try and put more work into the game and I can defiantly say I will have a new game created by the end of this year.

New Projects

I have already began work on two new projects . The first project will be my main one which will be another game planned for the Xbox live indie service.

The other project will be a small Java applet game which will be freely available to play on this website.

I will give more details about the games as soon as they start to get in shape a bit more.

Game In Review

Well that is it finally finished .Now I just have to wait and see if the reviewers look kindly upon it . I really spent al lot of time just trying to polish the game so hopefully that will make it stand out a little bit more.

StormGate Box Art


So I decided to get a some personal web space to host my projects on. I am just using it mainly as a profile website and also to learn web development. I am working on the site right now so I will try and quickly get out the real version of it soon.